Glock 19 Worth - The original is still a great Gen 3 and my wife and I had a great time with it. Quieter and a bit simpler, it doesn't take much to perform very well. Shooting with a 2 mil Tungsten guide rod feels strong, and with the market scope, probably a longer pistol. It's easy to learn because nothing is bigger than the little hidden figures.

I bought a 1 17 gen in the late 90's, early 90's. I've had many rounds through it and it always performs like a champ. I have several pistols. But this is my secret carry.

Glock 19 Worth

Glock 19 Worth

Big gun. I taught my wife how to shoot this gun. He fell in love with shooting and the Glock.

Got My First Glock! Any Advice On What Upgrades Are Worth It And Which Ones To Avoid? Got The Light And Ghost 3.5 Pound Connector Is On The Way.

The Glock 17 Gen 4 is my EDC that I rely on against anyone trying to take my life. What a comfort it is to know I have a Glock 17 on my hip.

I sleep Glock 17 Gen 3! Best tip ever in my book! Easy to clean and load. Get yours today! Don't forget to buy two more magazines.

This is one of the best 9mm pistols out there. I know it's a lot, and the Glock 19 is #1 in the US, but the light, thin, full-size 9mm Glock 17 Gen 4 feels great because of the back, including the cambertail, because the NATO FMJ is great practice, and not junk. High pressure cartridges at affordable prices. I mostly use the NATO 239 grain .45 acp Glock 21 model, but this is my 2nd favorite. I haven't tried the Gen 5 yet and prefer the Gen 4 sized Glocks. A better cleaning kit can help with any FTE or irregular discharge problems.

Probably the best poly gun ever! See how many LE agencies around the world trust the Glock 17. If you don't get the details right, you won't get this type of permission! The reliability of the G17 is undeniable; what's not to like Bad gun? Check it out. Isn't it the cleanest or lightest shipping break on the market? Check it out. The original "plastic" gun? Check it out. Front and rear factory views... umm? ...isn't it the best? Check it out. Always hit like a champ? See also this. Have you survived years of torture by various agencies, police departments, and the military? It will also be a check. If you've never trusted your life with a Glock 17, you'll never truly appreciate the comfort of being around so many experienced law enforcement officers and civilians. Get one. You will see what I mean.

Glock 19 Gen. 3 Bb Pistol

I was used without knowing its history. I modified the trigger and pin assemblies to add the trigger pull and optical sights. It was 100% reliable! I have about 7 years. Factory-refined steel body and old shot - just eat it and spit it out! I have a collection of pistols that I buy and sell, but I keep it.

I got a G17, Gen4 to use in 9mm. I was doing a double action .40 cal. Ease of shooting and feel are excellent. It came with different sized straps, definitely a plus. I installed the Ultimate Pyramid Flat Face Trigger Assembly, extended slide release and optical sights. But a great shot from the box. I put about $900 into this gun, which I feel is worth it for my benefits. It fits my hand perfectly, accurate, minimal handling, clear trigger break and quick recovery, good balance and reliable. Drawing from the holster is smooth, but not too bulky for concealed carry. Great on the rifle range and used during tax ops. I highly recommend this rifle to the new or experienced shooter.

Excellent gun never tried to jam, fired 4 18 rounds quickly and was very accurately balanced

Glock 19 Worth

I've had my Gen4 Glock 17 for two years now, and I think it's one of the best 9mm pistols on the market today. I installed the Ultimate Pyramid Trigger Assembly and custom optical sights. These options add to the capabilities of this pistol. In addition, the large back strap and charcoal tail provide a good feel and comfort. Due to the design angle and size, it is comfortable and smooth to hold. It is important to note that this is very important to gain speed in order to gain momentum. As a service tool, it's lightweight enough to keep you from straining when you're carrying a heavy pistol all day. Accuracy at the range or during tactics is excellent. Right or left handed shooting is not a problem as it is well balanced. Whether it's precision shooting or rapid fire, I've yet to have a crash. Bottom line - I recommend this pistol for home defense, duty, and even competition shooting.

Glock 19 Gen1

One time in 2015, my friends and I were in a situation where we didn't have an oil and cleaning kit and soon never will. It was British Army, and we were not supposed to clean the gun, and it rattled like a two-gun engine, and the gun wouldn't fire after a few rounds. I got up close and personal and this thing just went on and on and on. To this day, I still dream about the pistol I was given and how it saved my life.

Can't tear it down, keeps carbon from getting into parts and kit. Cars used to drive me crazy, but when you're pushing a pistol, guess what. It works. Thanks for the glock life :).

I have had a Glock 17, Gen 4 for about 5 years. To this day, I use it as my mission for many reasons; durability, accuracy, versatility, weight, round count, balance, etc. All of these items have been purchased. With the "backstrap" options, the pistol fits perfectly in my hand. Having owned several other pistols, the Glock 17, Gen 4 is my go to pistol and I always feel confident with it.

I have 2 G17 genes. I changed to new magazines. Original magazines begin to crack. I replaced the springs and replaced the linkage. I put probably 3000 rounds and put my life on the line. I have 5 Glocks now and have never had a problem with any of them. In 2010, in the early 2000s, Glock released the Gen 4 pistols, which addressed some of the caliber and frame durability issues and introduced some exterior changes. Seven years later, we are presented with the next generation of the Glock series. The Gen 5 differences are equally subtle, but there are some interesting changes that aren't obvious.

Glock 17 Gen 5 Review

I have been using a Gen 5 Glock 19 since late August and have put 4000 rounds through it since then. I carry it for static precision and dynamic defense training, without light or concealment on the rail. I also took the time to take it apart and get familiar with internal changes and parts replacement issues (because Glocks are fun hobby kits).

For the most part, the Gen 5 Glock 19 is just a Glock 19, but there are some interesting and fun changes to check out. There are also some pitfalls that early buyers should be aware of. I hope to cover most of them here, but keep in mind that these concepts are less than 2 months old, several times a week. More time can tell more tales.

Most of this review will deal with previous versions of the Gen 5 and the user issues (carrying, shooting, accessories, etc.) of the Gen-5. For a more detailed review of the Glock 19, I recommend you read our review of the Glock 19 Gen 4 ("Review: Glock 19 Gen 4 - After 80,000 Rounds").

Glock 19 Worth

Please note that the photos in this article are not new factory pistols. Instead, it's a picture of a guy who uses it hard a few days a week. They beat a bit.

Glock 17 Vs. Glock 19… Which Would You Choose?

The first and best reason to consider this pistol is that it is a Glock 19; Arguably the best gun ever. Enough to be a good pistol and offer functional accuracy

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